Saturday, July 28, 2012


I realized that I didn't do what I had promised in letting people know about when our house sold!--Wellllllll, after much tribulation and some drama and some Fran, it sold!! Officially!! How amazing right? We were so grateful for the outcome considering what people have been going through the last couple of years when it comes to their homes and trying to sell and all that. It was such a blessing to have it sell so quickly! I am excited for the family that bought it-- it's a cute family with two little ones and I know it will be a perfect fit for them. 

So where are we now? Well, Mike moved all of our things from Vegas into a house we are now renting in Sugar House. I got to come spend a week with him there, and he had moved everything in and put everything away before I even got there.. He is so incredible. I got to walk into a home that was just for us and our crazy dogs... It's pretty dang cute. It's one of those character older homes in that area. Very fun. I love it. I can't wait until I am living there with them! It's a challenge for sure on many levels being here-- but I know it is only going to make me a stronger person, a stronger wife, and make me appreciate everything about being home and love Mike even more.. (if that's even possible.)

It's really hard not being there now--but I can't believe how soon this journey in Las Vegas will be ending!! Sometimes I just think about how the last little bit has just flown by! And to think there are only 5 more weeks is just crazy... Totally crazy. There are only 25 more show days--which means only 50 more shows to go!! (That may sound like a lot-- but we just celebrated our 1200th show this week, so 50 is nothing..)

So, until then, I am still in Vegas living with my sister-from-another-mister, Ms. Stacey Clark! It makes being away from Mike bearable having her as a roommate. She is the best! 

So I guess I am going to end this by saying, if you're around the ones you love, be grateful for it. You might be in a situation later on like I am now wishing every minute of the day you could give the person you love a kiss, laugh with them, or feel like you're there living your life and enjoying those precious moments together. Let's all try to be a little more grateful for what we have and enjoy whatever is in front of us.

**Viva Elvis-- I love you all so much and let's just end this with a bang huh??! 

*Mike- I love you more than anything in the world and I cannot wait until I'm around you so much you wanna to just scream. ;) Haha but really-- I love you and miss you more than you know. Love you baby xoxo