Saturday, June 16, 2012


A lot has "gone down" over the last month and a half!

Mike and I are in the process of selling our house. I am sure I will have another entry to tell the end of this since we are still in limbo right now. What IS good is that we have only put up the house about 2 weeks ago, and already have had offers on it.. and we are insanely grateful for what they have been. Right now we are just waiting to see if this offer is going to go through. We already had the first people we signed off on pull out- but have already moved forward with another offer. We have had the inspector and the appraisal person come this week, so I imagine we will find out more after the weekend. Everything is going to work out the way it is supposed to (we totally know that) but we definitely are hoping that this works out. I'll keep you updated. Don't you worry. ;)

Another piece of news is that I am finally back into "Viva Elvis"!! I have been out since the end of February with a herniated disc in my neck, and a small fracture in my lumbar spine.. But I'M BACK!! It was my first week dancing in the show and it has been so wonderful to dance again. I am especially grateful to be back because time is running short at Viva E! We only have twelve more Sundays til the show closes. It's BANANAS! You've got to understand, I have been a part of this show and cast since May 2009, so it's crazy to be done with it in just 3 short months!! It will be sad to say goodbye to people that are completely family now, but we have made lifelong friends, and I know people are excited about what will come next in their lives! I know I am!

Mike is a total BAMF and has started a lacrosse comp team, and a program that is going to be having camps and clinics and all that. It's called "Top Guns Lacrosse". I don't know really the logistics, but he's been working so hard on it I HAVE to mention it. It's been so exciting seeing him work so hard on something he is so passionate about. It's amazing how he really wants it to be something that benefits kids who love lacrosse as much as he did while he was growing up, or to give them a path to get them to that "lacrosse-is-my-favorite-thing-ever" place. He lives in that place. ;) But really though, I've been able to see him play a couple of times and he really rocks at it. Super sexy-hot sport. ow owwww!! Hahaha but you can just see how much he enjoys it. I have also been able to see him coach, and you can just see that he is a guy that really wants to make the kids better.. I know that anyone that is going to be involved in "Top Guns" is going to seriously benefit from it!! Let me know if you want more details on it for friends or brothers you have that would want to be involved!! Or visit the Top Guns Facebook page!

Right now we are back doing the long distance thing again while he is working and coaching in Utah and I am finishing my contract down here in Sin City. It was so amazing having him be here with me over the last bit though. We got to spend serious quality time together since I was out of the show, and I think we both are grateful for that time now that we are back to only seeing one another a couple of days at a time. It's all good though!! I know it has only made us stronger as a couple. Yes- you should be jealous of us. Jelly jelly jellyfish! ;)

I guess that is all for now!!! Smile folks. :)